Self-Playing Guitar

A musical journey using the Raspberry Pi

By James Pendergast(jcp327) and David Rusnak(dmr284).
Demonstrated on May 12, 2023.
This project was created to test the limits of a Raspberry Pi based guitar robot. We wanted to explore how close to normal playing we could get with what we had available in the lab.

Demonstration Video


The hardware of the self-playing guitar includes an array of 12 servos that are individually positioned in their own holders up the guitar neck. Because the servos are in their own holders that then get attached to a wooden base, the guitar itself is able to remain unmodified and the machine could be placed on any guitar. The servos all line up above the B string on the guitar. Each servo wing has a rubber eraser on the end, mimicking a finger, which increases the effective surface area and allows tolerances to be looser. As each servo gets activated in the pattern of a song, the eraser frets the guitar string at the corresponding note. The 13th servo is placed inside a cavity for a pickup in the guitar body. This servo has a piece of adhesive on the wing. When the servo is activated to “pluck” the string, it essentially hits the string with the adhesive with enough force to slightly pull the string. Once the force that the string has outweighs the force of the adhesive, it lets go and the string vibrates enough for the guitar pickup to catch the signal and send it to the amplifier.

The software that controls the servos is written in Python and is run on a Raspberry Pi 4. The servos can be positioned using angles, which is what we chose to use to get the most uniform operation. There are functions for activating a string and plucking the string that are then used in one function that takes in one argument, a note in a song. The note needs to include which servo needs to be activated and the duration of the note. Once these two pieces of information are known, the correct servo can be activated, and the correct delay time can be used in the time.sleep() function used to change the duration of each note. Once we had the guitar playing basic songs, we added extra functionality using speech recognition. The speech recognizer waits for the user to say “Play me …. [SONG NAME]”, searches for the song, and plays it if it is available in the library of songs. It uses audio input from a small USB microphone connected to the Pi. Once the song is completed, the user is prompted to ask for another song.

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Project Objective:

  • Have a modular frame that could be attached to any guitar.
  • Allow for a full octave of notes to be played.
  • Be able to play songs quickly enough to sound like the real song.


Originally, we had thought that the GPT API would work for our purposes, so we programmed a python speech to text script that sent the recognized speech to the GPT API as a prompt. This way, we could modify the prompt before or after the user inputs speech to match the kind of prompt we wanted to have. One thing we tested (and believed worked), was using a prompt that was formatted like this: “Tell me the notes and note durations in the melody of [SONG NAME]”. This seemed to work for a very small subset of songs. It would return note names and durations which was all we needed, since we had 12 servos on the B string, giving us access to every note within one octave. We quickly realized that GPT stopped working properly for other songs, so we had to change our approach.

Mechanical Design

For this project, the mechanical design requirements involved a set of 12 servo motor holders that could be aligned along the guitar neck. Early on, we planned on using a long 3D printed rail along the fretboard that would hold each motor.

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Original sketch of the idea

Eventually, we realized that printing holders separately and aligning them individually would provide a better routine for testing. We got measurements from the guitar and used inventor to create the first prototype of the servo holder. The original prototype was just a holder for the neck, used to see if we would have enough clearance and stability to use the base we wanted to. It proved to be effective, so we built out the part in Inventor to have the arm that would hold the servo exactly over the B string. Below is a figure of the finished servo holder.

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Original sketch of the idea

These individual holders were also much more reasonable to print given our resources. They placed the servos just above the B string of the guitar, with enough distance to allow the horns to push down into the fretboard. Eventually they were drilled into a larger wooden board to ensure that they were stable when the servos were activated. Now, this set of individual holders and the wooden board could serve as a frame that could hold any guitar.

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1. View up the neck while the servo board is attached to the guitar

2. Plucking mechanism

Our original idea could not be detached and put on separate guitars, which was a benefit of our later approach. For the set of motors along the neck, we attached erasers to the servo horns to allow for a soft and firm push on the board. We tested with harder, more narrow materials but they didn't press into the board as nicely. In addition, there was one holder for the plucking motor in the soundhole. Rather than an eraser for this motor, we used a piece of tape along the horn to provide an adhesive touch to the B string. This adhesive touch provided sufficient sound when the motor approached, stuck to, and then pulled away from the string. Attempts were made to pluck the string directly with the servo horn, but we received inconsistent sounds when different notes were tested. These inconsistencies largely came from the height of string changing when the strings were pressed, which caused the motor horn to either get caught on the string or completely miss it.

Electrical Design

The backbone of the electrical design for this project came from the Adafruit 16 channel PWM hat. This hat provides 16 PWM channels which were necessary for operating the 13 servos involved with this project. First, we needed to solder a 2x20 stacking header to attach the hat to the pi. Additionally, a 2 pin terminal header and 3x4 motor headers were soldered onto the hat. We used 6V from a DC power supply to power the hat, which then provided 6V to the power pins of the servos. In addition to the power pin, the servos also connected to the hat via ground and control, which sends the desired angle or position of the servo. This operates via pulse control, as a pulse duration is translated to a certain angle for the servo to rotate.

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Electronics of the guitar

For better sound quality, we decided to wire in a pickup and potentiometer to the output jack. We used a humbucker pickup, which required tying its bare and green wire to form a ground, while the black wire was the hot wire. The hot wire was soldered to the input lug of the potentiometer, and the ground from the pickup was soldered to the back of the pot. After the second lug of the pickup was soldered to the tip tab of the output jack and the sleeve tab of the output jack was soldered to the back of the pot, our audio circuitry was complete. This provided the use of an amp and volume adjustment, which proved to be very useful when testing our songs.

Software Design

Since GPT was not an option that we could pursue, we decided to move forward with mechanical and electrical design before jumping back into the code for servo control. We could keep the speech to text recognizer portion from the previous code, but now we needed code to control the actual hardware of the device.

Once we received the servo HAT, we followed documentation to set up the Pi so that it would be compatible. This included steps that had us installing packages and python libraries so that we could use Python to control the servos. The code appendix section labelled “Commands” show some of these. Once they were installed, we could start coding the servo control.

We started with a test file called in which we confirmed the servo starting positions. Since the servo holders were still only attached to the wooden base with double sided tape at this point, calibrations could be done on the actual servo wing starting positions and on the actual position of the servos on the neck. We had a loop that went through each servo and set it to a starting point, waited, and went to another angle. This second angle we needed to determine was the angle at which the string would be activated. This part of the software was tested iteratively to find ideal positions and will be expanded on later in the testing section, along with challenges our original plucking design faced. However, by the end of our use of the file, we had the angles we needed so that the servos could press down on strings quickly enough without interfering with other servos or notes being played. The next software step involved figuring out how we would chain multiple servo controls in the correct pattern.

We began this step by understanding what kind of data structure we wanted to use to hold the song information that was needed to play the melody. Since the guitar can only play one note at a time, we visualized the song as being an array, with the guitar acting as a loop going through and playing each “index” of the song. Naturally, each “index” of the song would need a servo number and a duration. This led us to use a two-dimensional array, one array that represented the whole song, with each index being an array of size 2 that held the servo number in the first index and the duration of the note in the second index. This way, to play the song, we would need a function that looped through each song and “played” each index using the information it knows exactly how to find (since the index of the note and duration do not change within each “note” subarray).

For the plucking servo, once we realized we only wanted to have the adhesive design, we needed to add a function in the file to test angles. This servo used a much smaller angle range so that plucking worked as fast as possible. For this, we gave the servo a range of about 10 degrees, this way it would travel the distance needed extremely quickly. Once we had the functions that allowed us to pluck and press down a note, we could combine them to play a song. We originally made a file called which held a hardcoded version of “Smoke on the Water”. Rather than looping through an array, each note was called directly, and each duration was hard coded using time.sleep(). The purpose of having this hardcoded version was to figure out the repeating patterns that could be broken into separate functions. This led us to create a function for plucking and a function for activating the correct string. The plucking function simply went through the 10 degrees of angle and back again very quickly. We added a small delay of 0.1 seconds so that the pluck would always occur after the string was activated. This prevented accidental mis-plucks. The function for activating the string took in the note as an argument. This allowed the function to press down the correct servo, sleep for the correct duration to allow the note to ring out and allowed the correct servo to return to its correct position if needed. Once the song is looped through, each function is activated for each index in the song, resulting in a complete song being played.

These functions were all included in the updated file, where we could manually start any song we had in our library without having to use the speech recognizer, which was not functional once we moved it to the Pi due to microphone issues.

To get the microphone to work, we used some Linux commands to find which index in the USB devices list was the microphone, so we could set the input index in the python speech recognizer function to the correct microphone. We were also receiving a lot of ALSA configuration errors, but after investigation, these were not the cause of our issue, and to clean up the program view, we used the error handler included in ALSA to replace the warnings and errors with empty strings. This cleaned up the CLI output a great deal.

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Screenshot of CLI prompt

Once we switched to another USB microphone, all out problems we solved and the recognizer was able to pick up and send the audio to the google speech recognizer API, returning a string of what the user says. This response could be parsed to match the format of our song library. Each song was indexed by its title in all lowercase and no spaces. To match this, we parse the string to remove the “Play me” part, convert the string to lowercase, and replace all spaces with empty strings. This yields just the song title. Using hasattr() and getattr(), we then search the songs module we created and return the correct array or print that the song was not found to the console. The main function then loops through the correct array and plays the song. Once the song is done, it prompts the user to ask for another song. This all was placed in, which can be viewed in the code appendix.


Elements of our testing process came from both software and hardware adjustments. Early on, most of the testing consisted of printing ideas for servo holders and then seeing if the servos properly fit into them. This led to testing different sizes in Autodesk Inventor, and eventually we came up with a design that we felt provided stability. Next, we tested making sure that each of our fretting servos could properly push into the board properly. This required adjusting the position of our servos above the board, as well as making sure that the angle in our code wasn't causing the fretting to be too light or heavy. We wrote a script which iterated through all of the motors and took them from an initial horizontal position to the angle that would push the string. This allowed us to observe that each of the motors was able to push down properly. Later on, the majority of our testing came from first inputting the notes and duration for certain songs, and then listening to the result to see if they sounded right. Specifically, one time when testing we were fretting one of the servos while we should've been playing an open string note. Following this, we would tweak the notes and the durations to improve upon our library. The last section of testing mainly focused on our voice input for songs. Shorter songs like 'Iron Man' or 'Let it Be' seemed to be recognized easily by the microphone, while it was harder to recognize longer titles like 'Should I Stay or Should I Go'. Because of this, we attempted to read the song titles slower and more clearly into the microphone, which resulted in the longer titles being recognized better.


The guitar was functional by the end of the project period. We had a library of 10 songs, of varying difficulty to show the range of the guitar's functionality. We had the full 12 servos up the guitar neck, allowing for every note in an octave to be played. We also had it working fast enough so that each song could be played to sound enough like the original. The result was also modular, it is extremely easy to move the system from one guitar to another, as long as the guitars have the same scale length (since we designed it around a Fender Stratocaster, it fits most other guitars). We also were able to acieve the speech to text playability, making it more user friendly than if the user needed to use the CLI.

We were not able to accomplish having the guitar be able to play any song that is given to it, but with more time, this would have been achievable. This was the only goal that we did not meet.

Future Work

If we had more time to work on the project, we would have explored a few different things. First, we really wanted to get allowed ANY song to be played. Since the GPT API was not an option, we explored other options to get this functionality. we first explored if there was a way to extract MIDI notes from MuseScore files, but we could not make progress with this method. The next method we would have liked to explore was an FFT API. Sonic API takes an audio file and returns a JSON of the frequencies and durations of the melody notes. Our idea would have been to use PyTube to download a video from YouTube, which would be in mp4 format. This mp4 file. Could then be converted to mp3 using C and snipped into a manageable length before being sent back to Python to the Sonic API. The Sonic API JSON response would then need to be parsed to match the data structure of a song that we use. Given a few more days, I would have been able to attempt this, but our original idea for complete self-playability would still have been an easier and more reliable method of extracting song melodies (if GPT gave real results).

More Photos

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1. Servo holders next to each other to prove non interference

2. Guitar being tested in the case prior to base construction

3. Electronics installed in the guitar

Work Distribution

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Project group picture

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Designed electronics and dealt with hardware and electrical interface work.

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Designed all software and servo holders

Parts List

Total: $52.99


Servo HAT Documentation
Servo HAT setup guide
Various Help Forums - Stack Overflow
PyAudio Library
Speech Recognition Library
Servo Library

Code Appendix

Source Code


import time
from adafruit_servokit import ServoKit
import songs

kit = ServoKit(channels=16)

kit.servo[0].angle = 120
kit.servo[0].angle = 165
kit.servo[0].angle = 120

for x in range(1,13):
	kit.servo[x].angle = 140
	kit.servo[x].angle = 80
	kit.servo[x].angle = 140


import os
import importlib
import time
import speech_recognition as sr
import songs
from ctypes import *
import pyaudio
from adafruit_servokit import ServoKit
from pynput.keyboard import Key, Listener

# ALSA error silencing
ERROR_HANDLER_FUNC = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_char_p, c_int, c_char_p, c_int, c_char_p)
def py_error_handler(filename, line, function, err, fmt):
c_error_handler = ERROR_HANDLER_FUNC(py_error_handler)

asound = cdll.LoadLibrary('')
# Set error handler

kit = ServoKit(channels=16)

file_path = ""
module_name = "songs"
songs_module = importlib.import_module("songs")
song_names = ["Smoke on the Water", "Iron Man", "Seven Nation Army", "Hotel California", "Let it Be", "Should I Stay or Should I Go?", "Fire on the Mountain", "Stairway to Heaven", "Thunderstruck", "Another One Bites the Dust"]

r = sr.Recognizer()
speech = sr.Microphone()

# Sets servos to start angle
for x in range(1,13):
	kit.servo[x].angle = 140
kit.servo[0].angle = 125

# Taps the string
def pluck():
	kit.servo[0].angle = 150
	kit.servo[0].angle = 125

# Frets the notes that are 1-12, does nothing if it sees -1 (open string)
def activate(note):
	if note[0] == -1:
		kit.servo[note[0]].angle = 80
		kit.servo[note[0]].angle = 140

# Searches our song library and sends song to activate method if it is found
def search(song):
	if (hasattr(songs_module, song)):
		for i in getattr(songs_module, song):
		print("I don't know that song!")

# Script, once a song is done, ask for another song (experimental, doesn't work everytime)
while 1:
	with speech as source:
		print("These are the songs I can play!")
		for i in song_names:
		print("Ask 'Play me... SONG NAME'")
		audio = r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source)
		audio = r.listen(source)
		recog = r.recognize_google(audio, language = 'en-US')
		recog = recog.lower().replace(" ","").replace("playme", "")
	except sr.UnknownValueError:
		print("I don't know that song!")
	except sr.RequestError as e:
		print("Could not request results from Google Speech Recognition service; {0}".format(e))



import time
from adafruit_servokit import ServoKit

kit = ServoKit(channels=16)

'''for i in range(1,13):
	kit.servo[i].angle = 0'''
IRON = [[-1, 1], [3, 1], [3, 0.5], [5, 0.5], [5, 1], [8, 0.25], [7, 0.25], [8, 0.25], [7, 0.25], [8, 0.25], [7, 0.25], [3, 0.5], [3, 0.5], [5, 0.5], [5, 2]]

def pluck():
	kit.servo[0].angle = 175
	kit.servo[0].angle = 165

def activate(note):
	# if 0 servos 1-12 are deactivated and only plucking servo activates
	if note[0] == -1:
		kit.servo[note[0]].angle = 80
		kit.servo[note[0]].angle = 140

for x in IRON:


ironman = [[-1, 1], [3, 1], [3, 0.5], [5, 0.5], [5, 1], [8, 0.25], [7, 0.25], [8, 0.25], [7, 0.25], [8, 0.25], [7, 0.25], [3, 0.5], [3, 0.5], [5, 0.5], [5, 2]]
smokeonthewater = [[-1, 0.5], [3, 0.5], [5, 1], [-1, 0.5], [3, 0.5], [6, 0.25], [5, 1], [-1, 0.5], [3, 0.5], [5, 1], [3, 0.5], [-1, 1]]
sevennationarmy = [[5, 1], [5, 0.5], [8, 0.5], [5, 0.5], [3, 0.5], [1, 1], [-1, 1],[5, 1], [5, 0.5], [8, 0.5], [5, 0.5], [3, 0.5], [1, 1], [-1, 1]]
hotelcalifornia = [[9, 0.25], [9, 0.25], [9, 0.5], [7, 0.25], [7, 0.25], [7, 0.5], [9, 1], [9 , 0.5], [9, 0.5], [7, 0.25], [7, 0.25], [7, 1], [9, 0.5], [9, 0.25], [7, 0.25], [5, 0.25], [7, 0.25], [9, 0.5], [9, 0.25], [9, 0.25], [9, 0.25], [12, 0.5], [9, 1], [10, 0.25], [10, 0.25], [10, 0.5], [10, 0.25], [10, 0.25], [10, 0.5], [10, 0.5], [12, 0.5], [10,0.5], [10, 0.25], [9, 0.5], [9, 0.25],[9, 0.25],[9, 0.5],[7, 0.25],[7, 0.5], [10, 0.25], [10, 0.25], [10, 0.5], [9, 0.25], [9, 0.5]]
letitbe = [[-1, 0.25], [-1, 0.25], [-1, 0.5], [-1, 0.25], [2, 0.5], [5, 0.5], [-1, 0.5], [-1, 0.25], [5, 0.5], [7, 0.5], [9, 0.25], [9, 0.25], [9, 0.5], [7,0.5], [7,0.25], [5,0.25], [5, 0.5], [5, 0.25], [7, 0.25], [9, 0.25], [9, 0.25], [10, 0.5], [9,0.5], [9, 0.25], [7, 0.5], [9, 0.25], [7, 0.25], [7, 0.25], [5, 1]]
shouldistayorshouldigo = [[3, 0.25],[3, 0.25],[3, 0.25], [8 ,0.25], [8 ,0.25], [8 ,0.25], [8 ,0.25], [7 , 2], [3, 0.25],[3, 0.25],[3, 0.25], [8 ,0.25], [8 ,0.25], [8 ,0.25], [8 ,0.25], [7 ,2], [7, 0.25], [7, 0.25], [8, 0.25], [8, 0.25], [10, 0.25], [8, 0.25], [10,2], [3, 0.25],[3, 0.25],[3, 0.25], [8 ,0.25], [8 ,0.25], [8 ,0.25], [8 ,0.25], [7 , 2]]
fireonthemountain = [[5, 0.5],[5, 0.5],[6, 0.5],[8, 1],[6, 0.5],[5, 0.5],[6, 0.5],[6, 0.5],[5, 0.5],[3, 1], [5, 0.5],[5, 0.5],[6, 0.5],[8, 1],[6, 0.5],[5, 0.5],[6, 0.5],[6, 0.5],[5, 0.5],[3, 1], [5, 0.5], [5, 1], [5,0.25], [4,0.25], [3, 0.5], [3, 1], [5, 0.5], [5, 1], [5,0.25], [4,0.25], [3, 0.5], [3, 1]]
stairwaytoheaven = [[5,0.25],[7,0.25], [8, 0.5], [7, 0.25], [5, 0.25], [7, 0.5], [5, 0.25], [7, 0.25], [8, 0.5], [10, 0.25],  [8, 0.25],[7, 0.25], [5, 0.5], [8,0.25], [10,0.25], [12, 0.5], [10, 0.25], [8,0.25],[7,0.25], [5, 0.5], [3, 0.25], [3, 0.25], [5, 0.25], [5 ,0.25]]
thunderstruck = [[-1, 0.25], [4, 0.25], [-1, 0.25], [7, 0.25], [-1, 0.25], [4, 0.25], [-1, 0.25], [7, 0.25], [-1, 0.25], [4, 0.25], [-1, 0.25], [7, 0.25], [-1, 0.25], [4, 0.25], [-1, 0.25], [7, 0.25], [-1, 0.25], [5, 0.25], [-1, 0.25], [8, 0.25], [-1, 0.25], [5, 0.25], [-1, 0.25], [8, 0.25], [-1, 0.25], [5, 0.25], [-1, 0.25], [8, 0.25], [-1, 0.25], [5, 0.25], [-1, 0.25], [8, 0.25]]
anotheronebitesthedust = [[-1, 0.5],[-1, 0.5],[-1, 1], [-1, 0.25], [-1, 0.25], [3, 0.25], [-1, 0.25], [5, 0.5], [-1, 0.5],[-1, 0.5],[-1, 1], [-1, 0.25], [-1, 0.25], [3, 0.4], [-1, 0.25], [5, 0.5] ]


import pyaudio
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
for ii in range(p.get_device_count()):


sudo apt-get install python-smbus
sudo apt-get install i2c-tools
sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-servokit
pip3 install pyaudio
pip install SpeechRecognition